Welcome to our democracy, where your voice matters. Thrive in our democratic system by actively participating in government decisions. Discover the essential steps to register, locate your polling place, and make informed choices.
Explore Kane County Elections with Ease
Visit the official Kane County Elections website for a wealth of valuable information: Kane County Elections Website. Additional helpful insights can be found at Illinois State Elections.
Seamless Voter Registration
Ensure Your Voter Registration Status
Don't let surprises happen on your Election Day. Check your voter registration status in advance to ensure everything is in order.
Informed Voting with Sample Ballots
Stay informed on both high-profile campaigns and local issues. Familiarize yourself with the complete ballot and research candidates before heading to the polling place. Access sample ballots at Kane County Sample Ballots.
Locate Your Polling Place with Ease
Refer to your voter registration card for your polling place's location. Verify details online, including polling times, at Voter Search.
Flexible Voting Options
Explore early voting details at Early Voting Information if you've done your research and want to vote ahead of time.
Convenient Vote-by-Mail Option
Prefer researching candidates from the comfort of home? Opt for vote-by-mail. Begin the process by completing your registration here. Learn more about the process at Vote by Mail Details.
Secure Ballot Drop Boxes
For added convenience, return your mail-in ballot in person. Locate ballot drop boxes at:
Aurora Satellite Office: 5 E. Downer Pl., Suite F, Aurora
Kane County Clerkâs Office: 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. B, Geneva
City of Elgin: 150 Dexter Ct, Elgin
Track Your Vote
If you've opted for Vote By Mail, use the Ballot Trax website to track your ballot's journey from Point A to Point B, ensuring it's fairly counted! Make your mark in Kane County's democracy.