May Newsletter

May Newsletter

📣 Greetings Geneva Township GOP Voters! 📣

Greetings and welcome to our May newsletter! Here, you'll find everything you need to know about the Republican happenings in Geneva Township. As we prepare for another impactful year of civic participation and political activism, we're excited to keep you in the loop, motivated, and empowered as part of our party.

In this issue, we'll delve into pertinent local matters, shine a spotlight on our community's staunch conservative advocates, and share updates on forthcoming events and opportunities for engagement. Whether you're a seasoned GOP enthusiast or just beginning to explore Republican principles, rest assured, we're dedicated to amplifying your voice and upholding your beliefs.

So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and join us on this journey as we fortify our conservative ideals and influence the trajectory of Geneva Township's future!

With liberty and unity,

Sue Dixon

Chairwoman, Geneva Township Republicans



MONDAY, MAY 20, 6:00PM-8:00PM


Your support and participation are crucial to the success of our collective efforts. Together, let's unite to make a positive impact within Geneva Township and beyond.

Looking forward to meeting you and updating you on the happenings in the Geneva Township Republicans and getting you involved.

See our Facebook page: GENEVA REPUBLICANS
Email us at [email protected] to get more information.

"This upcoming election holds immense significance for the United States. Join us in Geneva to discover the pivotal efforts we're undertaking to secure victory in November. Whether as a volunteer or donor, you'll have the chance to engage actively. Complimentary refreshments will be available. Your participation is crucial - we're relying on you!"

Please click on the QR code to RSVP and feel free to bring friends.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024  6-8 PM

Pints & Politics

Scott Presler is a conservative activist, Eagle Scout, and recipient of the Ronald Reagan Award at CPAC in 2021. He has been featured on CNN, Fox News, Newsmax, and regularly appears on One America News Network.

Scott has spent the last few years traveling the country, registering thousands of voters, and training tens of thousands of volunteers. Similarly, Scott has trained conservatives how to run for office, helping to elect mayors and school board members. Among his proudest accomplishments, he has helped to flip Florida and New York counties from blue to red, which directly impacted Republicans winning the House in 2022. Scott is encouraging massive registration of new voters, early voting and engaging in legal ballot harvesting in an all-of-the-above approach to take back the White House in 2024.





Mark is running for Congressman in the 8th Congressional District. Please attend and give him your support. May 15, 5:30-7:30PM at the Tap House Grill in St. Charles.


Please join Andrew and his team on June 13 at Moretti's, Elgin, 5:30-7:30PM, to get to know him and his goals for the office. He is running for Kane County State's Attorney and needs your support.

Election, November 5, 2024



Dear Friends, 

PLEASE consider signing up as a State Delegate ASAP for the 


which is scheduled for May 23-25 at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville, IL. This convention presents an exceptional opportunity to engage with legislators, connect with candidates for the 2024 General Election, and gain insights from leading experts across the nation. Also, it's a chance to contribute to the growth of the Republican Party and secure victories in leadership roles in the party for the next four years.

 Notably, our very own Kane County PC Dean White is vying for the position of RNC Illinois Committeeman, a crucial role in representing our state in Washington, D.C. Your participation and votes as a State Delegate on Friday May 24 will be pivotal in supporting his candidacy. It is important to arrive Thursday late afternoon but no later than Friday morning. 

Please contact Debbie Kanarowski at 630-712-2141 if you are interested in attending. The only requirement is to be a registered voter in Illinois, but it will be important to arrive on Thursday to participate in the election process that will take place throughout Thursday evening. 

Details are in the link below.

  • Register now on the ILGOP Website: Visit State Convention Registration to complete your registration. A registration fee of $75 per person applies. Additionally, you can find accommodation and other travel-related information on the same website. (If there is more than one delegate from your household at this email address, they will each need to register separately).






Most of the principles we have in our Constitution were taken from five historic charters.  The first one is called the 1100 Charter of Liberties.

For many years the Anglo-Saxons lived in independent communities in Great Britain without a king.  Because of attacks by the Danes, they chose Aethelred to be their king.  His only “job” was to coordinate their defense for the common good and focus on foreign relations with other countries, such as negotiating treaties….sound familiar?

Fast forward a few years and King Edward the Confessor dies without an heir.  The Anglo-Saxons didn’t want a foreign king so the crown went to Harold Godwinson.  Harold was defeated by William the Conqueror in the Battle of Hastings in 1066.  William then set about to fundamentally transform the kingdom by replacing bishops, nobles, and judges who were loyal to him and his Norman traditions, not common law.  History repeats itself!

William’s son, Henry I, becomes king when his brother is “accidentally” killed under suspicious circumstances.  The idea that Henry may have had a part in this was troublesome.  In order to appease the population, Henry issues the 1100 Charter of Liberties, his promise to the people that government would never again be evil or oppressive…as his father and brother were.

Some key provisions of the 1100 Charter of Liberties in our modern language include:

  • No inheritance taxes
  • The government is not above the law
  • Ensured the independence of the church
  • Restored the common law and customs from the time of Edward the Confessor

-summarized from lectures by KrisAnne Hall

“The Charter of Liberties of 1100, issued by King Henry I of England, represents a significant milestone in the evolution of constitutional rights and limitations on royal authority. It laid the groundwork for future charters and documents that would shape the development of English law and the concept of individual liberties.”

David Crouch, Professor of Medieval History at the University of Hull


Monday, June 3, 2024 at 7pm

Geneva GOP Monthly Meeting

Join us at 7 PM on the first Monday of each month at 333 N. Randall Rd., Door 3, Room 105, for the Geneva Republicans meeting. Mark your calendar for the next gathering. It's a chance to connect with leadership and fellow conservatives who share our values and goals.

RSVP: [email protected]


Do you have comments or suggestions for our newsletter? We'd love to hear from you. Contact us!